• CBEC Lab

Mass Spec and Proteomics > Bioinformatics

List of bioinformatic software used in the CCIC MS&P Lab

Matrix Science Mascot Server Cluster
A powerful search engine for mass spectrometry data to identify proteins and peptide modifications

Proteome Software Scaffold 3.0
To visualize complex proteomic data and to calculate spectral counting for label free experiments.

Bruker Protein Scape
A bioinformatics platform to process and organize a related data for a large proteomic project. Integrates LC-data, gel data, mass spectrometry data, search results and quantification results.

Bioinformatics Solutions PEAKS
A bioinformatics package for proteomics mass spectrometry data analysis from raw data files. Performs peptide and protein identification, PTM and mutation analysis.

Progenesis Co-Met
Bioinformaticspackage for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS data to quantify and identify metabolites that are statistically significantly changing in the biological data set.