• CBEC Lab

NMR > About Us

The CCIC NMR is a state-of-the-art campus-wide core facility that currently houses eight high resolution Bruker NMR spectrometers (600 to 850 MHz) with a range capabilities: high-sensitivity cryoprobes for biomolecular studies, high throughput sample changers for metabolomics, and solid state probes for biomolecules and materials. The facility and resources are available to all scientists within and outside Ohio State.

No matter what your field of study is, the CCIC NMR Facility is the right place for you to enhance your research to a whole new level. Some examples of what high-field NMR spectroscopy can do for you include:

  • Determination of atomic resolution three dimensional structures of important biological macromolecules in solution and solid state
  • Investigation of molecular motions from picoseconds to seconds and beyond that are important for understanding their functions
  • Unravel the underlying mechanism of biological function from molecular to atomic level
  • Characterization of protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-small molecule interactions
  • Discovery and development of new and improved drugs
  • Evaluation of newly synthesized small-molecules and isolated natural products
  • Imaging the porosity of materials and the mobility of trapped solvent molecules

Please take some time to explore our facility website and get to know the services that we currently offer. The capabilities of the NMR Facility are virtually endless, so if you have an application that is not listed above or elsewhere, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the possibilities. We are here to facilitate your research and enhance your knowledge about the diverse applications of NMR.

The CCIC-NMR facility provides a number of services to support research, education and training across all Ohio State campuses. For detailed information, please click the service tab on the left. In brief, we train new users as well as provide expertise, consultation and collaboration from protein expression to experimental design, NMR data collection and analysis. All potential users should take a moment to read our User Policy and take the necessary steps to receive training from us (Chunhua Yuan: yuan.9@osu.edu, Alex Hansen: hansen.434@osu.edu). Once trained, users can then operate any of the instruments (on which they were trained) independently, but are always encouraged to consult with us before setting up new or unfamiliar experiments. For occasional users who wish not to be trained, we can collect data and provide interpretation and analysis, if requested. All users must check with Dr. Chunhua Yuan (yuan.9@osu.edu) about NMR time availability on any NMR instrument and then reserve NMR time through “Scheduling/FOM” before they are allowed to operate any instrument. All NMR usage must be scheduled using the Facility Online Manager (FOM).

About Facility Organization - the NMR facility operates under the administrative umbrella of the CCIC through the Office of Research. It was founded in 1981 to provide state-of-the-art technology and services to all campus-wide researchers. The operation and service expenses are covered by user fees. Please check current NMR hourly rates by clicking Rates & Forms page.